
Thursday, March 02, 2006

No broken bones

Well, it has been a while since I posted a update - here is the latest

1. I am going to Amsterdam on a mission’s trip - along with this I am choosing to face my fears and follow God. The journey has been good so far, but the spiritual attacks have all ready started. Please pray for me & Jenni as we co-lead the team & for the planning and details.

2. Monday night around 10:15 - I slipped and feel & severely sprained my right ankle. After 12 hours of sitting in the ER waiting room I was finally able to see a Doctor. Nothing is broken, but I am homebound & it has been frustrating for me. God is teaching me about learning to rest & allow others to serve me, however this is very difficult for me.

3. In general I am down today - the ankle thing plays a large part I am sure, however just prayer for my spirits would be good. Greg works the next 3 days so I will be by myself, pray that I will use the time wisely. More to come on all that God has been teaching me in regard to the Amsterdam trip - he has spoken much to me through scripture in the last month.
Until Later,


Annie said...

What an adventure you are on, Caroline! I was so sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope it heals well - stay off it! I really feel for you with the challenges you have been facing recently. Surely the Lord is doing something great in you at this time. I have to believe He is active in us especially through these times. So glad you're open to Him...