
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The difference between accidents & crashes

Well, this morning did not exactly start off as I had planned. I got up, spend time with Greg & Buckeye, and went off to work. However, after about 5 min in the car, I ended up getting in a car crash (not accident) . Don't worry though, the car & myself are ok.

Basically a guy in the left turn only line decided he wanted to go straight (the lane I was in) and merged over as I was driving - I slammed on the breaks & he slightly hit me. I went into the intersection & then pulled into the CVS parking lot , assuming the other car would too, however the other guy fled.

After looking at the car, just a few scraches on the bumper - but nothing major or worh fixing. I think that I may have a bit of whiplash, but other than that ok.

I called the police to come out so I could have a report for the insurance just incase I need to go to the doctor, but they said that it was only a crash, not a accident & don't come out for those. Thus, later today I have to go to the police dept and file a report -Crazy I tell you.

Thus, I am a bit shake up, but so thankful for God's protection & that it was not that bad, as it could have been much worse. It is days like to today that make me so thankful for God & the time I have here on earth.

Psalm 91:11
For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.


iridescent said...

just glad you are okay whatever you want to call it...love you kiddo!
