
Friday, May 05, 2006

A Full Life in the Emptiest of Places

In my time with God this morning I created this to express some things I am feeling and the promises He is giving me .

Isaiah 58: 10-12 (The Message)
10 If you are generous with the hungry
and start giving yourselves to the down--and-out,
Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness,
your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.

will always show you where to go.
I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places--
firm muscles, strong bones.
You'll be like a well-watered garden,
a gurgling spring that never runs dry.

12 You'll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew,
rebuild the foundations from out of your past.
You'll be known as those who can fix anything,
restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate,
make the community livable again.

Well as many of you know things at the office where I work are a bit crazy. We currently have 4 people leaving and I just found out of one more that has yet to be announced.

Yesterday was Priscilla's last day, Priscilla has become not just a friend to me, but a fellow soldier in this spiritual war. Through out the last year and a half when either of us struggles or fights off the enemy's attacks, we have been committed to daily fighting along side each other through prayer. This is a very unique relationship, Priscilla is 34 years older than me, it is uncommon that our paths would cross and a life lasting friendship would form.

Priscilla is getting married this up coming week - I have had the honor to help with many of the details and am going to miss the daily updates of what married life will look like for her and Jack.

However, I am also very excited about the obedience Priscilla is showing to God. She has taken huge steps in breaking down stronghold in her life and preparing her self whole heartedly for marriage.

You may wonder how this all relates to my experience at the office......well, I feel right now God is asking people to be obedient to him, work through any strongholds in their life, and allow Him to prepare them for the next step, regardless of if it is at GCM or not.

Last night one of my favorite people in Orlando, Peggy Dunn, shared the verses above with me.
I am praying for God to
-Show me my place in all the transitions
-allow me a fullness even on my sad days of feeling loss
-allow me to be a well-watered garden
-and amaze me how he rebuilds things from the rubble.

I know the months to come will be a challenge, however I am also trusting God to care for me completely.


Anonymous said...

Hi Caroline...

I'm going to run with that verse. I enjoy reading more about your life...you have impacted mine over the years.