
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The difference between accidents & crashes

Well, this morning did not exactly start off as I had planned. I got up, spend time with Greg & Buckeye, and went off to work. However, after about 5 min in the car, I ended up getting in a car crash (not accident) . Don't worry though, the car & myself are ok.

Basically a guy in the left turn only line decided he wanted to go straight (the lane I was in) and merged over as I was driving - I slammed on the breaks & he slightly hit me. I went into the intersection & then pulled into the CVS parking lot , assuming the other car would too, however the other guy fled.

After looking at the car, just a few scraches on the bumper - but nothing major or worh fixing. I think that I may have a bit of whiplash, but other than that ok.

I called the police to come out so I could have a report for the insurance just incase I need to go to the doctor, but they said that it was only a crash, not a accident & don't come out for those. Thus, later today I have to go to the police dept and file a report -Crazy I tell you.

Thus, I am a bit shake up, but so thankful for God's protection & that it was not that bad, as it could have been much worse. It is days like to today that make me so thankful for God & the time I have here on earth.

Psalm 91:11
For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.

Friday, December 09, 2005

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.............but it sure doesn't feel like it.

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I love all of our family traditions and getting together with friends. However, this year I will be alone on Christmas and I am beginning to really realize what Christmas is all about.... Christ. I have always known this, and it has always been included in my celebrating, however this year it is really touching my heart.

This past year has been tough - especially these past few months, but God is teaching me so much & bring me into a new place in my relationship with Him.

As I decorate and prepare for this holiday God is truly showing me that it is about Him & the joy and love he has given to me. While I have my moments of sadness about not being with my family for Christmas, I am also experiencing moments of encouragement about how God really loves me & came to earth to die for me.

Jesus loves me this I know.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Growing & Growing and Growing..........

Well, our little puppy dog is not so little in size, he has nearly doubled!! He is keeping us very busy and teaching us so much. We started training classes this past weekend and Buckeye was by far the most friendly in the class, he was showering all the other puppies with great big Buckeye kisses!! Here are some of the latest photos of Buckeye.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Mickey's Very Merry Christmas
What a magical night Greg & I had last night. We went to Disney World for a special event & had a blast. It was really like being a kid again........we road the tea cups, saw Mickey & Minnie, Cinderella's Carriage being pulled my 6
white ponies, Santa, fireworks, and heard all our favorite Christmas songs. It was an amazing experience topped up with a ferry boat ride back to our parking spot. Best of all it was cold in Florida