Well, it is with much sadness that I write this... Greg and I have felt lead to move on from H20 church. This has been a very difficult decision for us, but also something that we feel has clearly been from God.
We will miss the community of friends that has been our first 'home' since our move to Orlando, but trust God to still deepen may of those friendships.
So what next you may ask..... we were not sure ourselves, until God 'mailed' us a answer. A postcard that had a photo of our old pastor from Ada on it that has moved down here to start a new church that is family oriented, a place in our life that we are hoping God will bless us in during the next 6 months.
We have connected with Pastor Ken and his wife and are now helping to plant another church.
How crazy is that - there are many other details to share in regard to the heartach and joy we are feeling during this process - hopefully in months to come I will express that more on this blog.
So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.
- Ezra 8:23 (NIV)-
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