
Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Well, life has been a bit down for me lately - I am really excited & feel so blessed that we have a house, but am also begining to realize that the plan that God has for mine & Greg's life is not exactly what I had imagined. While Florida is becoming more like home - I am having a deep sadness over the changing relationships of those who don't live here. I am missing my family a lot & trying to understand what this new phase of life & friendships will look like from a distance. I know that it will be good, just not the same.Below is a section that a friend wrote a few months back - I place it here because it really sums up how I am feelingI have been weary.
Struggling to not give in to the pressures of everyday life, struggling to not let burdens weigh me down. I struggle with feeling like the cross I have been given is too much to carry. I’ve felt pressure from many sides. There isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything. I feel like I am letting people down, causing hurt and bringing pain. Am I too busy? Do I have too much on my plate? Or is this just a season? I realize much of the pressure I feel is from within…expectations I have for myself. When I don’t meet them I feel like I’ve failed.
Some Verses God is speaking to me through
Jeremiah 17:7-8
Exodus 18:18

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tiell Family Cruise
Well, we are back from our cruise, and what a blast! Greg & I had a great time of relaxing & soaking up the sun. We went snorkeling at Disney's private island, shopped in the Bahamas, enjoyed the wonderful Disney shows & our favorite The Cadillac lounge - with live piano music! The weather was wonderful and the ocean a shade of blue we had never seen before - it was amazing.